CA²RE+ Project

CA²RE+ Project

(see all CA2RE+ related pages)

Collective Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training

The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership CA2RE+ develops a collective learning environment through Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training. Design Driven Doctoral research (DDDr) is taken as a multidisciplinary example of an experiential learning-through-evaluation model, appropriate for identification and promoting relevance of research singularity, its transparency and recognition, to award excellence in doctoral training for creative and culturally rooted solutions of contemporary design driven developments.

The CA2RE+ project starts in September 2019, finishes in August 2022 and represents a trigger of the CA2RE Conference developments. CA2RE and CA2RE+ are two different projects with their major events overlapping/joint for three years.  The scientific committee of these events is joint. The projects support each other and learn from each other, but are formally two different actions. The ARENA network is an associated partner in both projects.

The preliminary official website of the CA2RE+ project is at